the past couple of days have just sucked. I've been (still am, tbh) behind in school, and on Saturday we found out my dad's Aunt Pat passed away (she had been losing her battle with lung cancer for about a month or so) and then this morning, my mom dropped a huge bombshell on me: they're having our oldest dog, Jessie put down. this is honestly the second worse passing I've experience, the first being my grandfather. we've been having heart worm problems with her for about a year on top of her just being old in general (she was 14, which apparently = 81). she was our little rescue dog. My mom, sister and I went to the Denton Arts & Jazz festival (which is exactly what it sounds like) and my sister wandered off with some of her friends when my mom and I went to the ASPCA tent. we weren't even thinking about getting a dog, we just love animals and want to love all over them. then we saw her, giving us the perfect brown-eyed "please take me home look". we asked if we could see her and they let her out of the cage and we petted and fawned all over her and told them we'd come back after they kept trying to get us to adopt her. we made our rounds and saw another couple looking at her, which made my mom want her more. after talking them down $20 and learning that we had just saved her from being put down, we got her.
she was just the sweetest dog I've ever known. I can't say how happy I am she was part of my family. my sister called me today to let me know that she was going to pay to get her individually cremated and bring the ashes to my mom, who sobbed when she broke the news.
now enough of the sad shit, time for cute Jessie Moof-Moof White pic spam:
Rest in peace, you most perfect cowdog.