Tuesday, May 24, 2011

just the smell of the summer can make me fall in love

As y'all have already known it's summer time. A whole bunch of annoying shit is happening to me personally but IT'S SUMMER. nothin' like sittin' outside in a kiddy pool with a couple of beers and pretending you can tan, right? or maybe some bon fires, or camping, or water/theme parks/lakes, oceans and/or rivers with all the too many people/screaming kids/heat exhaustion? maybe even just staying inside, hanging out in your underwear because it's too hot to do anything else? who knows! it's your summer, do what you want with it! if you're like me, you'll probably be too busy fighting to keep your job for undisclosed reasons and then coming home to lay in bed and drink with netflix and bitch all the time.

I LOVE SUMMER. don't get me wrong, I do. it just always seems like I never really do anything. the last time I went on a vacation was 3 years ago when my dad's side of the family had a reunion and we all went to the Gulf of Mexico. I just really end up staying in bed and pretend that I'm going to actually do stuff. well, this year I want to change that. In my (almost 22) years of summer, I have done jack shit, especially since I'm older and the internet exists. When my sister and I were little, we used to go stay 2 months with our grandparents in the mountains where we could (and usually would) watch TV, but there was too much to explore outside! Craft fairs and museums and interesting places and restaurants to go to! SHOPPING! FUN FUN FUN FUN. I want that back. I want fun stuff to do. Now that Denton's getting the DART train, I want to gallivant around ~the big towns~ and party it up and go to the aquarium. Maybe even Six Flags if there's beer! I made a list of the goals I want to try to have accomplished before school (if I don't have to sit out a semester, that is) comes back around.
  • KEEP. YOUR. JOB. Do everything you can and if not, there's always something a little bit better to make a little bit better money.
  • more arts and crafts! I cannot stress this enough. as an art major, you think I'd be doing more but like I said, internet.
  • lose weight before birthday or school. I want to not hate myself anymore, especially since it's getting too damn hot to keep wearing lots of clothes.
  • really start 50 Books In A Year list. I've almost finished It's Kind of a Funny Story, which actually is pretty funny and kind of rage inducing all in the same time (I just hate how self centered the main character can be). Part of me wants to start LOTR just because I'm a huge, giant nerd. I plan on buying a Kindle for my birthday (if I don't get fired, that is...) and I already told myself I have to read every book that's on my bookshelf that I haven't read at all or all the way yet.
  • watch everything on my netflix instant queue (all 400 things). in order. TV shows excluded because I want Bryan to watch LOST with me.
  • become better organized because my life is extremely messy.
  • learn to be the nice, sweet, helpful person I used to be and grow a f'ing backbone.
that's all for now! I'm going to lay in bed some more and stare at my laundry while I download the Sims 3 and watch It Can Happen to You (who doesn't love Nic Cage and Stanely Tucci together?)

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