Anyways, I digress. This is a happy post! I never mentioned anything on here because idk, I suck at blogging w/e w/e w/e. As many people know, it's been a little over a year since we lost our dog Jessie. After she passed, there was an empty void in our house. Around Mother's Day that same year, my parents went out to Tractor Supply where an animal shelter was having an adoption event. That's where my mom met Kesha.
She's crazy, energetic and also one of the sweetest dogs I've come across. She suits this family perfectly. I was a little apprehensive about her at first because of her stupid amounts of energy she has, mainly because of Mimi and how she'd function around the house with her but it seems to be working out okay (Mimi doesn't care for dogs tbh). Kesha's become my little buddy in such little time. Every morning she runs out of my parents room to sit by my door to see if I'm okay. She'll launch herself into my arms when I'm in bed and then speeds off.
Plus she does this
And this face just kills me omg
So, thank you little one. I'm glad you come into our home in a really sad time and for probably being the best Mother's Day present my mom could ask for. And for all you other mothers, I hope y'all have a great Mother's Day and get all kinds of cool shit! I think I may take my mom out to brunch and then to see Dark Shadows since we're both big on the soap opera. It's so super cheesy, you should really check it out. p.s. I promise I will do better at blogging now that I have plenty of time. Maybe I can even be like a ~real blogger~ and do weekly themed stuff. WHO KNOWS.
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