Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Oh yeah, it's a new year

Well I suck at this whole blogging thing. And by "I suck", I really mean I come up with a really good idea to talk about (like how Buffy Summers is amazing, but if you didn't already know that then get out of my life) and then forget because the internet exists. This isn't going to be a recap blog because to be honest, I didn't do shit but go to school, go to work, drink a whole bottle of wine and then watch ghost stuff. Every day. I mean, some cool stuff happened:
  • Bryan and I made it to four years without killing each other (yet).
  • I didn't almost get kicked out of school again and I actually have this semester and one summer class to take until I can graduate, so go me!
  • I grew up a little bit and made a hair appointment. By myself! At a completely different salon than I had been going to! (shout out to HeadRush, btw)
  • I'm slightly up with technology! 'sup, iPhone 3GS and 3rd generation Kindle! Sorry I didn't wait to get y'all when you decided to come out with cooler stuff right after I got y'all!
  • Oh yeah, and we got a new dog, my new baby cousin and I share a birthday, and my family suffered some personal losses but we're managing.
Oh yeah, I'm not making any resolutions because I've decided to ~work on myself~ month by month because it just seems easier and less likely to hurt my feelings if I don't reach them, so don't be that person and ask me what my resolutions are because I'll just stare at you.