Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Feel like bakin' love

Oh. Hi. Yeah, it's been a while who da fuq cares. How've you been? Good? Good. With the semester coming to an end (have I mentioned it's my last? 5 years of half-assing certain classes sure does fly by) and just being too lazy to try to come up with anything, I've been "busy". But we're not here to talk pleasantries or go over what hasn't happened ('cause let's be real, nothing has happened). I came here with purpose. And that purpose is muthafuckin' baked good. It's that time to get really excited about this. I've been spending hours on tastespotting, emailing Bryan endless lists of fall recipes we need to make (we won't but I can dream) and finding all the pumpkin filled treats I can. Sometimes, when I think about baking it just feels right. I usually always have a panic attack about it getting slightly screwed up or not paying attention to directions or SOMETHING, but Sunday I didn't!
oh jfc
NOT EVEN GONNA LIE, these are good. Bryan said the cookie crust was a little too sweet and I said the pumpkin was a little too farty, but WHATEVER. It was good.

I got the recipe from tastykitchen and just made it on a whim. I've been kinda wanting to do a ~food blog~ since Bryan and I have been cooking more but that takes time and thousand of pictures and I just wanna showcase my awesome baking skills that are gonna be coming out of this holiday season ('cause there will be). Today I'm gonna bake these for my company Thanksgiving because I know they got free cobbler to go with it, but I'm not big on cobbler, I don't know if it's even good, I'm trying to show off and pumpkin forever. I'm not even gonna bother on Thursday though (maybe) since my parents just ordered a whole family meal from Cowboy Chicken and all of us have to work Friday (I hate everyone who gets a day off, tbh) and it's not worth making a real spread this year.

I hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dogs & happiness

I promise I'm not dead. The semester I just finished was one of the longest and exhausting I've ever gone through, but that could be because it's my final year at NCTC and I just wanted this shit to be done with. But good news! I only have to retake this math class that has been eating my life away and my final math class and I. AM. DONE. And then I get to figure out which of the two big universities in my area and what major and how to get money and other stressful bullshit that will come in the next 3 months.

Anyways, I digress. This is a happy post! I never mentioned anything on here because idk, I suck at blogging w/e w/e w/e. As many people know, it's been a little over a year since we lost our dog Jessie. After she passed, there was an empty void in our house. Around Mother's Day that same year, my parents went out to Tractor Supply where an animal shelter was having an adoption event. That's where my mom met Kesha.

She's crazy, energetic and also one of the sweetest dogs I've come across. She suits this family perfectly. I was a little apprehensive about her at first because of her stupid amounts of energy she has, mainly because of Mimi and how she'd function around the house with her but it seems to be working out okay (Mimi doesn't care for dogs tbh). Kesha's become my little buddy in such little time. Every morning she runs out of my parents room to sit by my door to see if I'm okay. She'll launch herself into my arms when I'm in bed and then speeds off.
Plus she does this

And this face just kills me omg

So, thank you little one. I'm glad you come into our home in a really sad time and for probably being  the best Mother's Day present my mom could ask for. And for all you other mothers, I hope y'all have a great Mother's Day and get all kinds of cool shit! I think I may take my mom out to brunch and then to see Dark Shadows since we're both big on the soap opera. It's so super cheesy, you should really check it out. p.s. I promise I will do better at blogging now that I have plenty of time. Maybe I can even be like a ~real blogger~ and do weekly themed stuff. WHO KNOWS.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I Was a Teenage Mall Goth

Growing up, I only listened to three types of music: 90s country, the oldies, and smooth jazz so I could sleep at night, so if you're judging me right now then you'll really be pulling up your judging pants in a minute. It wasn't until my sister hit high school that I even learned about ~real music~ aka shitty radio metal and bands whose CDs I grabbed because the cover looked cool (tbh, I still do this with books and movies but not with music because I only listen to the Beatles). Every night and morning, the radio was always on the local hard rock station. I was fascinated by it and I can't even begin to explain why. It was so different and cool to me, the weird, awkward, trying to find who I am preteen that I was before I became a younger, smaller, less cool version of my sister with a more Hot Topic flair and way more eyeliner and questionable fashion. And I'll be honest, I still love it. I can't help it! It's fused in my blood to love music most people would be embarrassed to admit they listen to when they plan on changing a channel, but oh man this song brings me back and holy shit, I haven't heard this in forever bro!

So I decided to share with y'all some of the sweet jams that are still dear to my forever a baby goth heart.

I can't help my eternal love for Rob Zombie.

this isn't even shitty...

It's totally okay if you sang along to these.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Oh yeah, it's a new year

Well I suck at this whole blogging thing. And by "I suck", I really mean I come up with a really good idea to talk about (like how Buffy Summers is amazing, but if you didn't already know that then get out of my life) and then forget because the internet exists. This isn't going to be a recap blog because to be honest, I didn't do shit but go to school, go to work, drink a whole bottle of wine and then watch ghost stuff. Every day. I mean, some cool stuff happened:
  • Bryan and I made it to four years without killing each other (yet).
  • I didn't almost get kicked out of school again and I actually have this semester and one summer class to take until I can graduate, so go me!
  • I grew up a little bit and made a hair appointment. By myself! At a completely different salon than I had been going to! (shout out to HeadRush, btw)
  • I'm slightly up with technology! 'sup, iPhone 3GS and 3rd generation Kindle! Sorry I didn't wait to get y'all when you decided to come out with cooler stuff right after I got y'all!
  • Oh yeah, and we got a new dog, my new baby cousin and I share a birthday, and my family suffered some personal losses but we're managing.
Oh yeah, I'm not making any resolutions because I've decided to ~work on myself~ month by month because it just seems easier and less likely to hurt my feelings if I don't reach them, so don't be that person and ask me what my resolutions are because I'll just stare at you.