Thursday, September 1, 2011

miss me yet?

holy shit. holy. shit. I keep forgetting I have a blog and the last time I updated, it was really self centered. so what's been happening in the life of Bea? well, I'm back in school and hopefully this will be my very last year. I haven't been doing much of anything besides work, trying to figure out Words With Friends, reading The Hobbit, and hanging out with Bryan.

but, now that it's a whole new month, I'm going to start a whole new list of goals. I'm in a horticulture class this semester, so I decided I should really start caring about making my own food and maybe even getting better than my mom at it (she's a beast at it, so if I can beat her salsa or buttermilk pie, then I am full of winning tiger's blood or whatever the cool new phrase is). Plus it gives me something to be excited about since it's been a week and I haven't killed my plants yet. STEVE HOLT. \O/

I've also decided I need to actually come up with some art projects to keep myself preoccupied and maybes even finish the circle scarf I started crochetting before it gets cold out, whenever that may be. hell, I may even figure out how a knitting loom works finally (thanks, future MIL!). besides, ~idle hands are the devils playthings~ or whatever. I dunno, I've been drinking.

now if you excuse me, I have a test to study for and more Mark Twain to read. I'll have an actually good post later.

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