Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I Was a Teenage Mall Goth

Growing up, I only listened to three types of music: 90s country, the oldies, and smooth jazz so I could sleep at night, so if you're judging me right now then you'll really be pulling up your judging pants in a minute. It wasn't until my sister hit high school that I even learned about ~real music~ aka shitty radio metal and bands whose CDs I grabbed because the cover looked cool (tbh, I still do this with books and movies but not with music because I only listen to the Beatles). Every night and morning, the radio was always on the local hard rock station. I was fascinated by it and I can't even begin to explain why. It was so different and cool to me, the weird, awkward, trying to find who I am preteen that I was before I became a younger, smaller, less cool version of my sister with a more Hot Topic flair and way more eyeliner and questionable fashion. And I'll be honest, I still love it. I can't help it! It's fused in my blood to love music most people would be embarrassed to admit they listen to when they plan on changing a channel, but oh man this song brings me back and holy shit, I haven't heard this in forever bro!

So I decided to share with y'all some of the sweet jams that are still dear to my forever a baby goth heart.

I can't help my eternal love for Rob Zombie.

this isn't even shitty...

It's totally okay if you sang along to these.

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