Sunday, March 6, 2011

March Madness (not related to the basketball whatever and actually more boring)

since we're done with the shit show called February, I decided to take a different approach to March: make things positive. this includes
  • working harder & actually caring about my school work and work work because it looks good and it'll be better and make me stress less if I just get it done ASAP. plus then I can have more time to just chill and eat snacks in my bed.
  • start working out/actually eating better again because I'm personally sick and fucking tired of hating my body and hating that nothing looks good on me imo.
  • speaking of bodies, buying ~nicer~ clothes and attempt to look put together. this may or may not have to do with the fact that I keep getting side-eyed and that my dad told me I dress too teenager. I hate teenagers.
  • challenging myself with the 50 books in a year challenge. we have enough possible interesting books around here and I have some pretty good friends who'd let me borrow some for the sake of being smarter. right, guys?
  • do more art stuff. my campus does an art show and it'd probably look good if I made something awesome and entered it since I'm art club treasurer and all. plus it doesn't hurt if I win something, does it?
  • just keep telling yourself that you are fabulous and fuck anyone who disagrees.

cool? cool.


  1. I like this approach to March! I should do it too. haha AND MAKE ART BEA, it's what you're going to school for isn't it? do it! and you should post more on your blog!
